EIVW(EIVW) Laoshan Regiment Association
- Categories:Company news
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- Time of issue:1556679480000
- Views:10
(Summary description)OntheoccasionoftheInternationalLaborDayonMay1st,inadditiontotheintensework,thecompanyorganizedanoutdoorexpansiongroupbuildingactivityintheLaoshanScenicArea.Throughthisactivity,notonlytheemployeesrelea
EIVW(EIVW) Laoshan Regiment Association
(Summary description)OntheoccasionoftheInternationalLaborDayonMay1st,inadditiontotheintensework,thecompanyorganizedanoutdoorexpansiongroupbuildingactivityintheLaoshanScenicArea.Throughthisactivity,notonlytheemployeesrelea
- Categories:Company news
- Author:
- Origin:
- Time of issue:1556679480000
- Views:10
On the occasion of the International Labor Day on May 1st, in addition to the intense work, the company organized an outdoor expansion group building activity in the Laoshan Scenic Area. Through this activity, not only the employees released the work pressure, but also promoted good communication and collaboration ability in a relaxed, happy and healthy atmosphere, and further enhanced the cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of the enterprise, enabling employees to be more positive and optimistic. The mentality faces life and work.
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Manager Wang: +86-0532-87923021
Manager Liang: +86-0532-87920322
Add: NO.7, Chuangyuan Rd, Jiaozhou Bay Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Hetao Sub-district, Chengyang District, Qingdao, Shandong Province, P.R.C.